I'm kind of wishing I hadn't been so good about getting up early this morning. See, I set my alarm for seven so I'd have time to shower and get to the library with enough time to do Tibullus 1.1 before class at 9:55 - such a good little grad student I am. But when I got here, I found an email from The McKeown saying he wasn't feeling well and class was cancelled, so essentially? I could've spent all day sleeping like I did yesterday.
On the other hand, by time my alarm went off I was more or less ready to get up anyway, since poor li'l hungover me spent most of yesterday sleeping and hence didn't sleep well last night even with the help of my magical sleeping pills. Meh, I say.
But anyway. Since I already started the day with the notion of "it'll be good to get work done," I might as well finish that dratted poem, do a bit more work, then head up to Van Hise for Sallust at 1:20.
Such an exciting life I lead, huh?