albula crustula

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

it's aliiiiive

In the fine tradition of academics everywhere, I will shamelessly plagiarize my first post from my sugar mama's livejournal, because God knows Courtney is more entertaining than I will ever be.

Matt Amaticisms of the day:

1) The setting: outside his office, ten feet away from a classroom containing Rosenmeyer and about 20 undergrads.
Matt Amati: Hey, check it out! I'm doing a prelim on BONERS!!!

2) The setting: a few minutes later, describing the appearance of one of the leading scholars of boners in classical literature.
Matt Amati: He's got, like, an extended pompadour that goes up several inches and then cascades down his back. You know, the Academullet.

And now, a question that classicists everywhere should be giving more attention: was VD in fact born when Apollo and Venus had really bad sex?

That'd be a great MA thesis topic right there, y'all.


At 11:34 PM, Blogger Dimbo said...

blogs are not annoying.
blogs are fun and should be funny. both of you vote for the photo flip!!!
leave comments!
i'm bored and goddamned cold.
sonia-- perhaps a dative of agent somewhere?


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